
发布日期:2025-01-03 17:25    点击次数:199
大零号湾C位闵行科创高地500米轨交+350米滨江华润置地闵行封面作品华润·映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。华润映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!将推建面约89/103㎡海派高知住区房地联动价5.8w/㎡示范区样板房已开放最新一房一价表:映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-233401.项目基本信息映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-23342023年12月15日,华润以总价252387万元成交闵行区颛桥镇江川社区MHP0-1102单元45-02地块,地块出让面积39154.10㎡,容积率2.0 ,溢价率10%,楼板价32230元/㎡,房地联动价58500元/㎡。该地块东至沧源南路,南至德伟路,西至平山路,北至江川路。根据项目规划设计方案,项目拟建10幢16F住宅(含保障房)。作为华润进驻闵行的第一个住宅项目,华润置地·映江润府依然会在之前热卖的项目基础上,继续向上“卷”。映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334在建筑立面上,邀请了SIA尚恩设计。作为打造了2023年全国十大高端作品——国贸·天琴樾等,它对建筑立面的美学把控无可厚非。在外立面的整体,采用了新颖灵动的非对称“双T”设计,远远看去,就像行驶在浦江之上的帆舟,造型非常别致。项目效果图映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334材质上,选用了部分铝板,具有摩登现代的立面气质。塔冠部分,搭配穿孔铝板与泛光照明形成呼应。夜晚远望,像极了泛舟江上的灯火,更像是指引每位业主归家的温暖明灯。项目效果图映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334在500万级的产品上,极少看到用哪个楼盘用到“奢材”的程度。但是在华润置地·映江润府这次却选择了突破。把可感的6大材质,以“奢而有度”的级别进行选材和运用,以“石、玉、镜、板、皮、玻”6个维度匹配。如奢石部分,采用5大配色的宝格丽奢石,在触感温润的同时,也满足视觉的丰富体验。材料示意图,最终以开发商公示为准而在内部的室内装修工艺上,比如工艺难度较高的圆弧形吊顶,拼接细节更多的卫生间地面复古拼花,卧室地面鱼骨拼接等元素,把海派建筑的灵感细节极好的进行产品融入,呈现出更浓郁纯正的海派风骨。映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334据悉,华润置地·映江润府在装标也进行了更大程度的升级,在原有的装标基础上,进一步优化提升,也为广大刚需购房者带来性价比更高、品质更优的产品。景观的细节美,也是华润置地·映江润府这次更为追求的。为了让这里有更好的景观呈现,项目聘请了知名的犁墨景观。此前的华润置地·凤鸣润府、香港置地·天湖岛、香港置地·壹号半岛等,都出自该公司之手,赢得了不错的好口碑。而这次的景观设计灵感,据悉是来源于很受中产喜欢的隐奢酒店。用隐奢的风格打造整个园林氛围。效果图映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334打造一轴·一环·五园·一带,取中轴对称布局,在一条归家轴线上,通过不同的景观特色,呈现出优雅的礼序感。效果图通过“一环”串联起不同主题和功能的景观区域,在兼具视觉美感的同时,也让闲暇时光有了更多样的体验。效果图映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334在“一带”部分,通过内部的空间流线,以叠水,山石,植被等交错运用,打造多种丰富的园林层次体验。示意图,仅供参考02.项目推售信息据悉,华润·映江润府将推约89-103㎡3房,共计758套房源,联动价5.85万元/㎡,预计将于二季度入市!映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334作为华润置地海派3.0作品,映江润府的卷,更在于其硬核的产品力,尤其在户型的设计上,堪称卷到极致。映江润府全盘仅规划89和103两种户型,每个都堪称王炸。全套户型图发布:「约89㎡ 3房2厅1卫」映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334半开放式厨房设计时尚灵动,S墙设计科学收纳冰箱空间,藏露有度;厨房、餐厅、客厅及阳台一体化设计,空间通透性更强;值得一提的是阳台一侧特地做了270度转角景观阳台,实现采光通风效果更大化,相当人性化!三开间朝南设计,拥有双南卧室,居住舒适度较强,卧室均设计了飘窗空间,有效延伸室内空间感,每个卧室空间都预留了收纳空间,实现四季衣物收纳无忧!此户型超级人性化的设计就是卫生间采用了三段式分隔设计,淋浴间、卫浴、洗脸台三段分离,各空间可同时供家人使用,互不干扰且空间充裕!真是实实在在避免了卫生间的使用冲突!「约103㎡ 3房2厅2卫」集华润置地所有亮点于一体的改善户型!映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334入门收纳空间充裕、S墙足够收纳双开门冰箱!半开放式厨房与餐厅由岛台分隔,同样的LDKG一体化设计,促进各空间家人之间的互动交流;更是做到了连通次卧的宽景阳台,还有270度转角设计!动静分区设计合理,此户型亮点在于主卧套房设计了270度无柱转角宽幕景观窗台!华润置地把核心地段的豪宅才会采用的户型设计献给了大零号湾!足以见其诚意!中间套户型与边套几乎无差,全飘窗设计,同样的主卧套房,双次卧空间也还不错,一家三口居住绰绰有余!三代同堂也不拥挤~「约103㎡ 3房2厅2卫」映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334华润置地·映江润府的精装标准简直奢华至甚,让人惊叹不已!选材海派六奢:奢玉、奢石、奢镜、奢板、奢皮、奢玻六大海派奢享体系一应俱全!示意图,仅供参考室内精装品牌更是毫不吝啬,百年锁具耶鲁(或同等档次品牌)智能门锁、德国西门子(或同等档次品牌)厨电、德国杜拉维特(或同等档次品牌)台盆、日本伊奈洁具等等……再配上海派六奢,很难想象一个500w级的产品能做到这个程度……示意图,仅供参考映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334室内美学打造上也是处处体现项目匠心,由内而外彰显海派住宅的精髓~入户门牌采用透光白玉与金属铝板元素结合,复刻老上海洋房门牌韵味~示意图,仅供参考不只关注生活的奢享,更执着优化贴心的细节,映江润府的建面约103㎡户型,厨房岛台带轨道插座交付,建面约89㎡户型带可升降插座交付,灵动随心,为生活更添便利。示意图,仅供参考映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334室内圆弧吊顶等采用弧形线条设计,卫生间标配美妆冰箱及双面镜柜,演绎海派美学精致感。示意图,仅供参考映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334卫生间臻选普拉达绿、雅士白、雪花白、宝格丽紫奢石,纹样大气,品位素颜,展现恒久的气质。同时臻选的海派美学金属镜柜,嵌入美妆冰箱,以精微的细节,演绎矜贵的格调。示意图,仅供参考还打造了海派雕花出风口、卧室地面鱼骨拼接、卫生间地面复古拼花、香槟金金属铝板门框、金属踢脚线等元素,整个海派美学居住空间精致有腔调~示意图,仅供参考03.华润映江润府周边配套映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334华润置地·映江润府地处大零号湾的核心C位,紧邻紫竹高新区。要知道,大零号湾作为上海科创中心建设的关键区域,其目标是与张江科学城形成东西呼应的发展态势,进一步完善上海全球影响力科创中心的布局,未来是与张江并肩的存在。张江今天的发展已然有目共睹,核心区房价已来到13w+/平,外溢板块唐镇二手房价也相当高,大零号湾所在这片土地的发展潜力,必然不容小觑。华润置地·映江润府,5.8w/平的价格,买的不仅是当下,更是未来!示意图映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334截至2023年底,“大零号湾”高新技术企业达600家以上,估值亿元以上企业70家以上。已入驻企业有:微软、英特尔、中国商飞、中广核、国核自仪、东软、新华控制、力芯半导体、天合光能等。至2025年,“大零号湾”基本建成,高新技术企业达1000家以上,区域产值规模达千亿元级,培育一批多学科交叉融合的创新创业人才。至2035年,原始创新能力显著增强,战略科技力量逐步夯实,形成万亿市值的高技术企业集群,全面建成创新能力突出、科技力量雄厚、原创成果丰富、成功践行新发展理念的科技创新策源高地。映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334示意图产业加持之下的映江润府,周边的生活圈层也很成熟。交通方面:项目直线距离5号线江川路站约600米,不折不扣的地铁盘;如日常开车出行的话,项目周边有S4沪金高速、S32申嘉湖高速、嘉闵高架路等等。映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334商业方面:项目周边商业中心主要有闵行星悦荟、满天星生活广场、马桥万达等,地铁2站可直达龙湖闵行天街。教育方面:项目周边有闵行中心小学、闵行中学、交大附属实验小学、交大附属闵行分校等。(注:教育设施与社区间的招生对应关系由当地政府教育主管部门确定(纯私立教育设施除外),与两者间物理距离无直接关系;依据主管部门公示,社区临近的教育设施,有不对本社区招生的可能。)映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334医疗方面:闵行区江川社区卫生服务中心、复旦大学附属第五人民医院等。大零号湾C位闵行科创高地500米轨交+350米滨江华润置地闵行封面作品华润映江润府将推建面约89/103㎡海派高知住区房地联动价5.8w/㎡华润·映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。华润映江润府售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!Minhang Science and Technology Innovation Highland, Location C of Da Ling Bay500 meter rail transit+350 meter riversideCover works of China Resources Land MinhangChina Resources Yingjiang RunfuSales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Huarun Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including details of the real estate, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratio, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest progress, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!About 89/103 square meters of Haipai Gaozhi residential area will be constructedReal estate linkage price 5.8w/m2The demonstration area model house has been openedLatest One Room One Price List:Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-233401. Basic information of the projectYingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334On December 15, 2023, China Resources sold a total price of 2523.87 million yuan for the 45-02 plot of MHP0-1102 unit in Jiangchuan Community, Zhuanqiao Town, Minhang District. The land was sold for an area of 39154.10 square meters, with a plot ratio of 2.0 and a premium rate of 10%. The floor price was 32230 yuan/square meter, and the real estate linkage price was 58500 yuan/square meter.The plot extends to Cangyuan South Road in the east, Dewei Road in the south, Pingshan Road in the west, and Jiangchuan Road in the north.According to the project planning and design scheme, the project plans to build 10 16F residential buildings (including affordable housing).As the first residential project of China Resources to settle in Minhang, China Resources Land · Yingjiang Runfu will continue to roll up on the basis of the previously popular projects.Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 invited SIA Sean to design on the building facade. As one of the top ten high-end works in China in 2023, such as Guomao Tianqin Yue, its aesthetic control over building facades is understandable.On the overall facade, a novel and dynamic asymmetric "double T" design is adopted, which looks like a sailboat sailing on the Pujiang River from a distance, with a very unique shape.Project renderingYingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. The material is made of some aluminum panels, which have a modern and stylish facade. The tower crown is complemented by perforated aluminum panels and floodlighting. Looking from afar at night, it is like the lights on the river for boating, and more like a warm light guiding every homeowner back home.Project renderingYingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. It is rare to see any real estate that uses "luxury materials" on products priced at 5 million yuan. But at China Resources Land Yingjiang Runfu, they chose to make a breakthrough this time.Select and apply the six perceptible materials at the level of luxury and sophistication, matching them with the six dimensions of stone, jade, mirror, board, leather, and glass. As for the luxury stone section, the use of Bulgari luxury stones in 5 major color schemes not only provides a warm touch but also satisfies the rich visual experience.Material schematic diagram, final subject to disclosure by the developerIn terms of interior decoration techniques, such as the arc shaped ceiling with high difficulty in craftsmanship, the retro mosaic of bathroom floors with more splicing details, and the fishbone splicing of bedroom floors, the inspiration details of Shanghai style architecture are perfectly integrated into the product, presenting a more rich and pure Shanghai style style.Yingjiangrun Mansion Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 It is reported that China Resources Land · Yingjiangrun Mansion has also undergone a greater degree of upgrading in terms of decoration, further optimizing and improving the original decoration, and bringing more cost-effective and high-quality products to the majority of first-time homebuyers.The beauty of landscape details is also what CR Land · Yingjiang Runfu is pursuing more this time.In order to provide a better landscape presentation here, the project has hired a well-known plow ink landscape. Previously, China Resources Land Fengming Runfu, Hong Kong Land Tianhu Island, and Hong Kong Land Yihao Peninsula were all created by the company and have won a good reputation.The inspiration for this landscape design is reportedly derived from the popular luxury hotels among the middle class. Create the entire garden atmosphere with a luxurious style.RenderingsYingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 Create a one axis, one ring, five gardens, and one area, with a symmetrical layout on the central axis. On a returning home axis, present an elegant sense of etiquette through different landscape features.RenderingsBy connecting landscape areas with different themes and functions through a "one ring" approach, it not only enhances visual aesthetics but also provides more diverse experiences for leisure time.RenderingsYingjiangrun Mansion Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 In the "Belt and Road" section, through the internal spatial flow, overlapping water, mountains, rocks, vegetation and other elements are used to create multiple rich garden level experiences.Schematic diagram, for reference only02. Project Promotion InformationIt is reported that China Resources Yingjiang Runfu will promote approximately 89-103 square meters of three rooms, totaling 758 units, with a linked price of 58500 yuan/square meter. It is expected to enter the market in the second quarter!Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 As a Shanghai style 3.0 work of China Resources Land, Yingjiang Runfu's volume is not only due to its hardcore product strength, but also in the design of the layout, which can be considered as the ultimate volume. There are only 89 and 103 house types planned in Yingjiang Runfu, each of which can be called Rocket.Full set of layout drawings released:"Approximately 89 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, and 1 bathroom"Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. The semi open kitchen design is fashionable and dynamic, and the S-wall design is scientifically designed to store refrigerator space, with a degree of concealment; The integrated design of kitchen, dining room, living room, and balcony enhances spatial transparency; It is worth mentioning that a 270 degree corner landscape balcony has been specially designed on one side of the balcony, achieving greater lighting and ventilation effects, which is quite user-friendly!The three bedroom design faces south, with dual south bedrooms for strong living comfort. The bedrooms are all designed with bay window spaces, effectively extending the indoor space sense. Each bedroom space has reserved storage space, achieving worry free clothing storage throughout the four seasons!The super humanized design of this unit is that the bathroom adopts a three-stage separation design, with the shower, bathroom, and washbasin separated into three sections. Each space can be used by family at the same time, without interference and with ample space! It really avoids conflicts in the use of the bathroom!"Approximately 103 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, and 2 bathrooms"Improving the layout by integrating all the highlights of China Resources Land!Yingjiangrun Mansion Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. The entry-level storage space is ample, and the S-wall is sufficient to store a double door refrigerator! The semi open kitchen and restaurant are separated by an island platform, and the same LDKG integrated design promotes interaction and communication among family members in each space; It also achieves a wide view balcony connecting the second bedroom, with a 270 degree corner design!The dynamic and static zoning design is reasonable, and the highlight of this unit type is that the master bedroom suite is designed with a 270 degree column free corner wide curtain landscape windowsill! China Resources Land has dedicated the layout design that only luxury homes in the core area can adopt to Big Zero Bay! Enough to show its sincerity!The middle suite is almost identical to the side suite, with a full bay window design. The same master bedroom suite also has decent double bedroom space, making it more than enough for a family of three to live in! Three generations living together is not crowded~"Approximately 103 square meters, 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, and 2 bathrooms"Yingjiangrun Mansion Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 China Resources Land · The high-end decoration standards of Yingjiangrun Mansion are simply luxurious and amazing! The selection of materials for the six luxury items of Shanghai style: luxury jade, luxury stone, luxury mirror, luxury board, luxury leather, and luxury glass. The six luxury enjoyment systems of Shanghai style are complete!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyIndoor fine decoration brands are even more generous, with century old locks such as Yale (or equivalent brand) smart door locks, Siemens (or equivalent brand) kitchen appliances from Germany, Duravit (or equivalent brand) basins from Germany, Ina sanitary ware from Japan, and so on... Coupled with Shanghai Pailiu Luxury, it is difficult to imagine a 500W level product can achieve this levelSchematic diagram, for reference onlyYingjiangrun Mansion Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. In terms of interior aesthetics, project craftsmanship is also reflected everywhere, showcasing the essence of Shanghai style housing from the inside out~The entrance door sign adopts a combination of translucent white jade and metal aluminum plate elements, replicating the charm of the old Shanghai western-style house door sign~Schematic diagram, for reference onlyNot only focusing on the luxury of life, but also persistently optimizing intimate details. The Yingjiangrun Mansion has a floor area of about 103 square meters, with a kitchen island platform equipped with rail sockets for delivery, and a floor area of about 89 square meters equipped with adjustable sockets for delivery, making life more convenient and flexible.Schematic diagram, for reference onlyYingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334. The indoor curved ceiling and other features are designed with curved lines. The bathroom comes standard with a beauty refrigerator and double-sided mirror cabinet, showcasing the exquisite aesthetic of Shanghai style.Schematic diagram, for reference onlyYingjiangrun Mansion Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 The bathroom features a selection of Prada green, Yashi white, Snowflake white, and Bulgari purple luxury stones, with a grand pattern and a tasteless appearance, showcasing a timeless temperament. At the same time, the Shanghai style aesthetic metal mirror cabinet is carefully selected and embedded in the beauty refrigerator, showcasing a luxurious style with exquisite details.Schematic diagram, for reference onlyWe have also created elements such as Shanghai style carved air vents, bedroom floor fishbone splicing, bathroom floor retro splicing, champagne gold metal aluminum panel door frames, metal baseboards, etc. The entire Shanghai style aesthetic living space is exquisite and elegant~Schematic diagram, for reference only03. Supporting facilities around CR Yingjiang RunfuYingjiangrun Mansion Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 China Resources Land · Yingjiangrun Mansion is located in the core C of the Greater Bay, adjacent to the Zizhu High tech Zone. It should be noted that as a key area for the construction of Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center, the goal of the Greater Zero Bay is to form an east-west development trend that echoes Zhangjiang Science City, further improving the layout of Shanghai's global influence science and technology innovation center. In the future, it will exist side by side with Zhangjiang.The development of Zhangjiang today is evident to all. The housing prices in the core area have reached 13000+/square meter, and the second-hand housing prices in the overflow area of Tangzhen are also quite high. The development potential of the land where the Great Zero Bay is located must not be underestimated. China Resources Land · Yingjiang Runfu, priced at 5.8w/square meter, not only for the present, but also for the future!Schematic diagramYingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 As of the end of 2023, there are over 600 high-tech enterprises in "Big Zero Bay" and over 70 enterprises with a valuation of over 100 million yuan. The settled companies include Microsoft, Intel, COMAC, CGN, CNNC, Neusoft, Xinhua Control, Lixin Semiconductor, and Trina Solar.By 2025, the "Big Zero Bay" will be basically completed, with over 1000 high-tech enterprises and a regional output value of billions of yuan, cultivating a group of innovative and entrepreneurial talents with interdisciplinary integration.By 2035, the original innovation capability will be significantly enhanced, the strategic technological strength will be gradually consolidated, and a high-tech enterprise cluster with a market value of trillions of yuan will be formed. A high-tech innovation strategy highland with outstanding innovation capability, strong technological strength, rich original achievements, and successful implementation of the new development concept will be comprehensively built.Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334Schematic diagramUnder the support of industry, Yingjiang Runfu has a mature living circle in the surrounding area.In terms of transportation: The project is approximately 600 meters away from Jiangchuan Road Station on Line 5 in a straight line, and it is an authentic subway station; For daily driving, the project is surrounded by S4 Shanghai Jin Expressway, S32 Shenjiahu Expressway, Jiamin Elevated Road, and so on.Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 Commercial aspect: The surrounding commercial centers of the project mainly include Minxing Yuehui, Mantianxing Life Square, Maqiao Wanda, etc. The two subway stations directly reach Longhu Minhang Tianjie.In terms of education, the project is surrounded by Minhang Central Primary School, Minhang Middle School, Jiaotong University Affiliated Experimental Primary School, and Jiaotong University Affiliated Minhang Branch. (Note: The enrollment correspondence between educational facilities and communities is determined by the local government education regulatory department (excluding pure private educational facilities), and has no direct relationship with the physical distance between the two;); According to the public notice from the competent department, there is a possibility that educational facilities near the community may not enroll students in this communityYingjiang Runfu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 Medical services: Minhang District Jiangchuan Community Health Service Center, Fudan University Affiliated Fifth People's Hospital, etc.Minhang Science and Technology Innovation Highland, Location C of Da Ling Bay500 meter rail transit+350 meter riversideCover works of China Resources Land MinhangHuarun Yingjiang RunfuAbout 89/103 square meters of Haipai Gaozhi residential area will be constructedReal estate linkage price 5.8w/m2China Resources Yingjiang RunfuSales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Huarun Yingjiang Runfu Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers, comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including details of the real estate, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratio, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, latest details, latest progress, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!